13 - 15 May 2011


Research on teachers as part of evidence-based policy making in teacher education

Slavko Gaber, Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Veronika Tašner, Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

In the times when we claim – and rightly so – the importance of the research on teacher’s education as part of “evidence-based policy making” in education, we will present first results of one of the research on some of the characteristics of teachers and students (future teachers) in Slovenia. We see such a kind of research as integral part of the research on the teacher’s education in particular important for possible productive academic policy making in teacher education and training in terms of equity and efficiency in higher education. Results could also serve as an indication for future policy in inset training for the teaching profession.
In our presentation we will focus on evidence interpretation presenting:
- Level of teachers education related to the level of education in Slovenia (advantage in cultural capital reached in relation to the nation’s average cultural capital)
- Social and cultural background of teachers cohort in Slovenia through the last three decades using education of parents (differentiated by gender) as significant indicator of it
- Shifting value profile of preprimary and primary teacher related to the Inglehart’s value maps related to the nation’s value profile.
In case of cultural capital background and at the point of value profiles we will also compare teacher’s cohort with present student population at Faculty of Education University of Ljubljana.

TEPE 2011 | Department of Education  | University of Vienna  | Sensengasse 3a  | 1090 Vienna  | Austria