13 - 15 May 2011



Effective Action Research in Teacher Education: Developing Reflective Thinking and Practice

Patrick Costello, Glyndwr University, Wales, UK

My aim in this paper is to offer a critical evaluation of current teacher education reform in the UK, with particular reference to the role of teachers as: (i) critical thinkers; (2) reflective practitioners; (3) practitioner researchers. The proposed topic addresses the first of the TEPE Network’s central goals: advancing research in teacher education.

Encouraging students to think critically is one of the central objectives of higher education. Linked to this is a concern, expressed by lecturers across a broad range of academic disciplines, that students should learn how to develop and present arguments. Given this, the development of critical thinking, reasoning and argument skills in teacher education is crucial. Frequently, these skills are taught through study skills and research methodology programmes. A key theme of my paper will be to focus on the development of research methodology knowledge and skills in teacher education.

My main emphasis will be on undertaking effective action research in the context of developing practitioners’ (whether trainees or more experienced teachers) reflective thinking and practice (Costello, 2011). I shall argue that action research should be prioritised to meet the needs both of teacher education policymaking and the teacher education community. In my presentation, I will discuss several research project case studies, in order to illustrate key themes.

Main Points of the Presentation:

Teacher education reform in the UK: the current context.
The importance of developing critical thinking, reasoning and argument skills in teacher education.
Critical thinking, reasoning and argument skills and the development of practitioner research.
The role of action research in teacher education.
What is effective action research?
Action research, reflective thinking and improving professional practice.
The impact of action research on practitioners’ continuing professional development and practice: case studies.


Costello, P.J.M. (2011) Effective Action Research: Developing Reflective Thinking and Practice. Second Edition. London: Continuum.

TEPE 2011 | Department of Education  | University of Vienna  | Sensengasse 3a  | 1090 Vienna  | Austria